SKCH (CBSE) | LitFest 2015
There are 15 questions. Solving each question gives you a letter. To start the treasure hunt, use these letters to spell out a word / words which will lead you to the next clue.
A number from 1 to 26 represents letters "A" to "Z" respectively. After every 26, you start counting from "A" again. (27 and 53 both represent the letter A) The number 0 represents a space.
- 1 - 1 + 1
1 + 1 - 1
1 + 1 - 1 = ?
- Write down numbers from 1 to 30. Now cross out the minimum number of numbers possible so that you are left with numbers that are not double of any other remaining numbers on the sheet. Subtract 1 from the number of numbers left. (Ex: If the numbers are 1,2,3 then the minimum number of numbers to be crossed out will be one.)
- If you are on the Q14 and you go 2 questions forward, you will be in Question 1, if you are on Q1 and you go 1 step forward you will be on Q2. Now if you start on this Question and go 1 step forward and 5 steps back, Add the sum of individual digits on that Question and go to the Question of resultant sum, go back three steps. Now the answer of this Question is the same as that Question.
- 67, 71, 73, 79, ?, 89, 97
- I am on the middle rung of the ladder. I climb up 2 rungs and fall 4 rungs. Then I take a break for 2 hours and climb down 1 more rung. Once I am rejuvenated I climb 9 rungs to reach the top of the ladder. How many rungs do I have to climb down to reach the bottom and get off the ladder?
- Write The Alphabet in reverse. The answer is the third letter from the front.
- Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is the fear of __ __ __ g __ __ __ d s.
The first letter of the solution to this question is the letter you are looking for. (This question can be solved. If you are feeling intimidated right now, that's a good thing.)
- Name of an area in Bengaluru. h pur
__ __ __ __ __ __ n t p u r
The first letter of this place is the answer.
- x y + y x = 102. (x+y)/51 – 2 = ?
(x and y are whole numbers)
- Average of every answer * (3/5) = ?
- How many triangles in the picture?
- e, e, f, h, k, ?
- Maximum number of regions a circle can be cut into by 6 straight lines. Add 1 to the answer.
- Rotate 26 by a right angle.
- My mother wanted me to buy some groceries from a shop. She asked me to pick up the envelope with some money and go to the shop. She told me the envelope had the exact same amount as was written on it. I saw ‘98’ written on the envelope. At the shop, I picked up some stuff for 90 Rupees and when it was time to pay, I found that I didn’t have enough money. How much money was I short of?
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
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